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JMP Careers

Journalism and Media Production students may communicate to large, broad-based audiences through news publications, public relations firms and blog sites. Our programs combine writing and visuals to produce traditional video programs, interactive media, mobile and social media, and technical documents in print and online formats.

Career possibilities are diverse, but usually involve some form of technology. Whether creating a message for a mobile device, a website, an online training program, or a streaming video, audience identification is paramount.  Knowledge and skills learned in JMP-based classes allow technical communicators to work in many industries: corporate, government, education, broadcast, and nonprofit.

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Job Titles

Announcers, Broadcast, Sound, and Video Technicians, Editors, Film and Video Editors and Camera Operators, Photographers, Journalist, Public Relations Specialists, Reporters, Correspondents, and Broadcast News Analysts, Technical Writers, Writers, and Authors.

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Average Salary

$41,000-$75,000 "The median annual wage for media and communication workers (such as announcers, interpreters and translators, and technical writers) was $61,310 in May 2020, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $41,950." "Media and communication equipment workers (such as broadcast and sound engineering technicians, film and video editors, and photographers) had a median annual wage of $50,870 in May 2020, higher than the median annual wage for all occupations in the economy." - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

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Job Demand

"Employment in media and communication occupations is projected to grow 14 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations, and will result in about 151,500 new jobs. Demand for media and communication occupations is expected to arise from the need to create, edit, translate, and disseminate information through a variety of different platforms." - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Journalism and Media Production Careers

Have more career questions?

Connect with your Career Specialist and CLAS Liaison, Bessie Nolan

Bessie advises CLAS students on their job and internship searches, resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, interview preparation, graduate school applications, and almost anything career-related! She also develops programming to address the specific needs of students studying the arts and sciences. She focuses her programming on career exploration and development, as well as helping students identify and articulate the skills they have built in their coursework that they will need in the workforce.