自2021年春季以来,该部门的DEI委员会进行了两次学生气候调查. 118名心理学或人类发展专业或未成年人在2022年完成了最近的调查. 大约59%的受访者认为自己是白人, 19%的拉丁裔/ a / x, 7%非裔美国人, 3%亚裔美国人, 2%印第安人, 10%是其他有色人种学生. 59%的人认为自己是女性,18%的人认为自己是男性,17%的人认为自己是非二元的. 最后,45%的学生认为自己是异性恋,46%的学生认为自己不是异性恋.g.双性恋、泛性恋、无性恋等.), 9%的人没有自我认同.

该调查询问了一系列关于学生对多样性的看法的问题, 股本, 并被纳入心理科学系. 提问的例子有:“总的来说, my psychology classes teach material that reflects my cultural background; I feel supported by the psychology department; The psychology department is committed to diversity and inclusion; and Psychology department policies discriminate against certain groups of students.“一般, 学生们一致认为,本系致力于DEI,并为学生创造了一个支持性的氛围. 学生们还表示,他们很享受在系里的时光,也很感激他们的教授. 话虽如此, 一些学生通过定性反馈报告说,该系在几个方面可以改进. Suggestions for improvement included: the need for faculty to be better trained in issues related to DEI; greater representation of diverse psychologists in class content and materials; a desire to connect more with other students and faculty in the Department; greater diversity among the psychology faculty (particularly in terms of race/ethnicity).

回应学生的反馈, the 心理科学系 implemented the following since 2021: conducted four DEI-related trainings for faculty in the department; created a DEI page on the department’s webpage and a poster to hang in the department so others know the committee exists and the work they do; shared DEI curriculum-related materials to the faculty on the department’s website, 并精心设计语言,让教师在DEI上接受评估,以留用, 任期内, 和推广, 以及终身教职后的回顾. 在未来, 本系致力为师生创造更多建立社群的机会, 并制定一个战略计划,以招聘更多元化的教师.